dyve implemented steward-ownership

In order to be able to offer long-term perspectives for each team member, we decided to restructure our company in 2020. In doing so, we started to think about things we believe in - about the (wh)y in dyve. Why did we come together as a team to form dyve? The principles of companies in steward-ownership are among the topics that drive us and define us as a company.

1. Ownership equals entrepreneurship

All decisions are made from inside of the company - by people being active and operative in the company.

2. Profits are means to an end

Profits aren't an end in itself and not meant as shareholder profit. Profits get reinvested, distributed to the team or donated.

How does the team benefit?

Our team can be sure that dyve won't be sold and profits won't be returns on capital. The company owns itself.

What's in for our clients?

Our clients can trust in long-term and sustainable cooperations. They can be sure there are no external interests moving us away from our purpose. Building excellent digital projects remains our mission for our clients in perpetuity.


In the search for a structure that consistently implements these principles, we came across the veto-share model. First of all, the principles are written down in the company articles of association. Some of the company shares are then transferred to a controlling shareholder. This controlling shareholder will be vested with veto rights that must be used to prevent any future departure from the principles.

We are happy to have taken this step and now have the Purpose Foundation on board as our controlling shareholder! In principle, we would like to offer every (new) team member the long-term perspective of taking on corporate responsibility as a steward owner. The criteria for this are already regulated in the articles of association. In order to simplify entry and exit, we founded the dyve trust, which holds 99% of the voting rights in dyve.


As part of the implementation of steward ownership, we have committed ourselves to the appropriate use of the company's profits. In accordance with the things we believe in, we have decided on the following use: The largest share of profits (up to 50%) should always go to those who generated it: the team. Performance-related special payments have been agreed, which must always be proportionate. In addition, we always want to donate at least 5% to charitable causes. We retain the remaining profit and thus reinvest it in the future development of dyve and the team.


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